Mindful In Nature Blog

Prioritising Rest: Reflections from the Ningaloo Coast

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In today’s fast-paced world, taking a break and prioritising rest can feel like an indulgence rather than a necessity. However, my recent two-week retreat to the beautiful Ningaloo Coast in Western Australia reminded me of the profound importance of slowing down. During my time there, I enjoyed a range of activities: sightseeing, camping, reading, wandering,…

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How I Transform My Suffering Into Compassion

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As humans, we all experience moments of suffering, where big emotions like anger, resentment, and confusion consume us. For the longest time, I found myself struggling with these emotions, desperately wanting to change the situation, wishing the suffering would disappear. But it didn’t. It persisted, draining me of energy and vitality. However, through my journey…

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Discovering Empowerment in Nature’s Embrace

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The challenges our planet faces often weighs heavy on my heart. The constant stream of disheartening news about climate change, deforestation, and pollution creates a deep sense of helplessness within me. On my journey, I’ve discovered a transformative approach to navigate these emotions – practising mindfulness and immersing myself in the healing embrace of nature.…

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Mindful In Nature - Sit Spot Practice 1

Exploring the World of Nature Journaling

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In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, finding moments of stillness and creativity can be a powerful antidote. Nature journaling offers a unique and enriching way to tap into your inner artist, providing a canvas for self-expression while connecting you with the beauty of the natural world. In this blog post, I will…

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Empowering Growth

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Today, I wanted to share a personal milestone that embodies my commitment to personal growth and evolution. I’m excited to announce that I have embarked on a new journey by commencing a post-graduate Diploma in Psychology at Edith Cowan University! This decision reflects my passion for understanding the human mind and behaviour, and my desire…

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Disconnect To Reconnect

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I Turned My Phone Off And This Is What I Noticed. I booked into a meditation retreat for 4 days. On making the booking I made a conscious decision to turn my phone off while I was on retreat. My phone allows me to do work from anywhere and stay connected to loved ones, however…

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Sitting With Nature

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I discovered the Sit Spot Practice a few years ago when I was studying to be a Nature and Forest Therapy guide. I immediately began to notice how sitting consciously in nature was very different from my other experiences of being outdoors i.e. hiking and bushwalking. I started by visiting the same spot in my…

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Staying The Course

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It can be hard to stay on track with goals, dreams and visions. Often people are faced with challenges and roadblocks which can get in the way of achieving what they desire. One of the greatest challenges is us! Often people get in their own way. I have certainly experienced this for myself! In 2022…

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Blog - Why Is It Hard To Relax & What Can We Do About It

Why Is It Hard To Relax & What Can We Do About It

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I think it’s hard to relax because we all have so many responsibilities. That is particularly true at this time of year in the lead-up to Christmas. There are always so many things to do on our list. We’re either trying to finish things up for the end of the year or preparing for Christmas.…

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Blog - The Mindful In Nature Experience

The Mindful In Nature Experience

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As I’m guiding on walks, I’m using coaching and mentoring to support people to discover things about themselves that they might not have known when they first arrived on a walk. Let me give you an example. Most people walk away from forest therapy, having had quite a transformational experience. I’ve just finished some additional…

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